6 BIG Myths About Quitting Smoking #2
Written by Katy Win on March 23rd 2021
1. If you stop smoking you will put on weight.

Nicotine is an appetite suppressant and the act of smoking can feel like it comforts boredom and hunger, that once people quit they often find that they go back to eating more because their appetite is no longer suppressed and they cannot control their cravings for nicotine. You don’t have to worry about putting on weight from eating more if you resolve the root of your addiction because you will eliminate the potential for any cross addictions/ unhealthy habits forming. And that’s what I cover in my proven system. 

2. Smoking relieves stress and if you stop you will feel more stressed.

Smoking and all the harmful chemicals associated with it actually increases anxiety. When one naturally withdraws from nicotine the first two weeks can bring up some rebound anxiety but it is short lived and once you are over that period your stress response will lower. All you have to do is resolve all the root reasons behind why you smoke, quit and get over those first 2 weeks and the whole process of quitting and sticking to it becomes way more easier. The system I employ with you will teach you how to rapidly lower stress and stress hormones in the brain and body

3. You have to be ready to quit cold turkey to quit smoking.

Not necessarily so. Yes the firm decision to be ready to quit and commit yourself to the process is important, but just quitting without doing the work behind why you are drawn to smoking and why you had so many failed attempts before, makes the process so much harder. It can be done that way, but I can help you change your mindset rapidly so that you will actually want to stop smoking and not desire to go back to doing it.

4. It’s too late to quit. The damage is done.

It’s never too late to quit smoking if you want to improve your quality of life no matter how much of your life is left. Quitting smoking will lead to noticeable benefits in your breathing within days and also an increase in energy and better quality of sleep within just a few weeks of quitting.

5. Stopping smoking will cause depression/make depression worse

When you quit smoking the first 2 weeks will be the hardest as your brain chemicals stabilise. You might experience a dip in mood as you are not receiving frequent stimulation from smoking and the so called ‘dopamine hit’ from rewarding yourself with any form of smoking/source of nicotine. But this is short lived. Quickly these levels will normalise and you will feel a different sense of true reward from the act of having given up your habit.

6. Any method to quit smoking is expensive.
Nothing will be more expensive than your lifelong habit of smoking (as well as other addictions) if you continue to smoke. Ask yourself this.. How much are you spending on smoking per day/week/month and add this up yearly? Think about what you would start saving immediately from the day you Quit.

Katy Win

I help people quit smoking using a proven system that I developed to quit smoking for good myself in 2016. This system is so effective at changing your mindset that I have never had cravings for nicotine or smoking/smoked or had any form of nicotine replacement therapy ever since the day I gave this all up completely.

If you're interested in QUITTING SMOKING NOW then definitely reach out and request a free discovery call today.
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